Tag Archives: book

I’m Not Afraid to Take a Stand. Everybody, Come Take My Hand…


Hello, everyone! I can’t believe it’s September already!

It seems like yesterday I was tearing up the busy streets of New York City, soaking up the energy that oozes from every concrete pore of the city I love so much, and gaining a newfound confidence in my future’s path.

So much has happened since April and I’m dying to share with you what’s been going on in my world of progression-free MS.

You see, here in the northeastern U.S., September typically means crates full of pumpkins, rows of multi-colored mums and occasional cool breezes that sneak their way into the lingering summer heat. They remind us to savor our last chances to dine al fresco or open all the windows in the house before we’re sealed in tightly as the world freezes over for five months.

This year, September means something completely different and exciting for me. As I had mentioned in an earlier post this year, I was considering writing a book. Not long after writing that post, I realized that instead of waiting until I thought it was the perfect time to write the book, I would plunge ahead with it now, as there really is no perfect time for, well, anything. If that were true, no one would ever get married or have children! It’s all about perspective and creating your own perfect timing. I went all in and spent the entire summer carving out the contents of this book from my last 18 years of personal experiences, observations, testimonials, encounters with and counseling of women like me who have been living with disability.

How does September play a role in this story? Well, I have a book proposal deadline of September 30th! In addition to writing the book, I’ve had to create a website under my own name, www.brookeslick.com, hire illustrative designers for logos, book content and cover design, a photographer, and an editor. There’s a bio to be written, a market analysis, a competitive analysis and more that all need to be completed and submitted by 09/30/2018! Whew! I’m out of breath!

Here’s where I need your help! In the eyes of a publisher, one of the most valued assets an author can possess is a healthy-sized “platform”. Platform = how many followers I have that are part of my target market audience and, just as important, how many email addresses I’ve obtained from those followers.

I’ve been so lucky with this blog over the last 5+ years with visitors to the site from 90+ countries and many loyal followers who receive emails any time I make a blog entry. Visitors from the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, Germany and Norway have been consistent front-runners since day one!  The only catch is, I originally created this accidental platform with the intent to share my HSCT experience for anyone, anywhere in the world who was seeking HSCT in Moscow. At the time, I had no intention of gathering email addresses from visitors. It was one of the very first HSCT blogs at a time when there were only a handful of free online resources/bloggers. I wanted to help as many people as possible…no strings attached. This site has and always will remain that way.

What I need now is for anyone who reads this post, “follower” or not, to go to my new website, www.brookeslick.com, and sign up for updates on my book, including the title release, sneak peeks, future release dates, and fun behind the scenes antics. By doing so, you will be helping to build my e-mail list which makes me and my book, which will be tackling vanity, self-worth and disability in a woman’s world, an even more desirable prospect to a publisher.

The fact that you’ve stuck around all these years humbles me beyond words. But, I’m not too humble to ask PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE go to my new website and sign up for updates!

I can’t thank you all enough for your continued support and for taking the time to lend a hand with this big adventure.

It’s evident by this post that dreams can come true after transplant. I wish you all the best before, during and after your HSCT journey. I hope you’re finding this blog at just the right time for you to make a move to free yourself.

Peace, love and thank you.


P.S.  Be on the lookout for an official Brooke Slick Facebook & Instagram Page coming soon.