Wait a Minute, Wait a Minute…


This post is being made on behalf of Brooke, who, due to wifi connectivity issues and the Easter holiday in Russia, she will only have access to Facebook and not any other internet web sites, including her blog site, until Monday. Technical support is scheduled for Monday, and she hopes to give you a complete update at that time. She is composing those posts in real time as events occur over the next couple of days while they’re fresh in her mind and can contain as much detail as possible. For prospective HSCTrs, in particular, she doesn’t want you to miss a single step of the process.

MINI-UPDATE… Friday, she began her first of four nights of stimulation injections and will be moved to the third floor to the 3rd floor (aseptic) on Monday. Apheresis will take place on Tuesday morning. In the meantime, she has filmed a video of her walking in order to document and compare to any improvements post-HSCT. She will be posting that video on Monday as well (if possible).

Brooke would like to thank you all for your continued support and prayers, but, right now, you’re going to have to wait a minute. 

Thank You,

Atlanta Scream Team

3 responses »

  1. Thanks for the update Connie! Enjoy our Easter today! Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! I would love to be in Moscow or any European country on Orthodox Easter! Take Care.

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